ffm wrote:
> On Jan 10, 2008 11:37 PM, Iain (OLPC) Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I typically like the solution of
>> $ sudo bash
> Just a comment on that: Since most of our users will not know much about
> computers, having them "exit"  will just add another step which they will
> forget to do, and the one time they are logged in as root will be the one
> time they rm -rf /
> sudo in front of every as-root command is not too hard, right? Especialy
> once we get paste working.
> -ffm

Another part to make the sudo command enjoyable is auto completion.
When invoking a sudo command you can not auto-complete for example:

    sudo sugar-cont[tab]

does not auto-complete. The bash-completion (141K) package solves this, 
which I tried on my F8 machine. Maybe worth an inclusion since the 
completion works as well for other cases like:

    yum in[tab]

(even so in the case of 'yum install b[tab]' it takes a while to list 
the packages).

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