On Jan 17, 2008, at 10:46 AM, Bryan Berry wrote:

> I feel very strongly that violent games should not be associated with
> OLPC. Albert Cahalan points out that games like Doom can teach  
> geometry
> and other skills. There are ways to teach those skills w/out involving
> violence. I work in Nepal, a country recovering from an 11-year civil
> war. Exposure to more violence, real or virtual, is the last thing  
> most
> Nepali communities want.

I understand your point, however this is the case, the government in  
Nepal should simply decide not to include the offending material on  
their software image. OLPC is not in the business of censorship or  
content classification, and you have no right to try and remove thing  
from the wiki just because you dislike them. If you are worried  
children will find distasteful things on the internet, perhaps you  
shouldn't give them a laptop.

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