On Jan 31, 2008 10:10 AM, Mike C. Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Edward Cherlin wrote:
> > 2008/1/29 Noah Kantrowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> ...
> >> We are holding open an OLPC booth, as someone had  mentioned that they
> >> wanted one. Can anyone confirm this?
> >>
> >
> > A number of OLPC volunteers will be at PyCon, myself included. Does that 
> > work?
> >
> We're told by the PyCon organizers that they require an official request
> and a commitment to staff the booth throughout the conference hours in
> order to get the space reserved.

I will make sure the booth is staffed at all times. I have done booth
duty and staff management at other conferences, such as Linux World.
Send volunteers my way, and we will work out a schedule.

> They have the entire Expo hall
> "bookable", so we're competing with people paying for the privilege of
> displaying their "wares".  We need to get the request in ASAP to avoid
> losing the booth (i.e. yesterday-ish).
> We'd probably need 5-6 people to man the booth throughout the conference
> days without asking someone to spend the whole conference behind the
> desk.  I'm certainly willing to take a half-day or more.  We should have
> a good selection of XO's available.  Would be nice if we had a table,
> maybe a couple of posters and the like, but realistically I don't have
> enough time booked for OLPC before the conference to get that done.
> If we can get 5-6 volunteers to commit to it I'm willing to put together
> an official request and move forward.
> Take care,
> Mike

Let's do it.

There will be a number of XOs circulating and in the booth.

I can bring a current Live CD. If we can get a few packs of discs and
the use of a gang burner during tutorial time, we will be all set.

Does anybody have access to a poster printer? Walter says we might be
able to get a banner.

We should compose a flyer with information on Python on the XO,
including Pippy and Sugar resources, and pointers to mailing lists,
important Wiki pages, and the like.

Can somebody bring a demo string-pull power unit? We had one at a
recent BayPiggies meeting.

Can anybody think of suitable schwag that we can get donated? Tiny
rubber snakes to take with you on the plane? ^_^

Edward Cherlin
End Poverty at a Profit by teaching children business
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."--Alan Kay
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