(e) make salut less chatty during this period (instead of stopping it).
But I don't know if this is possible or how to do it. So it maybe not a
valid suggestion.

But ...

I think we have a time sensitive problem. Salut clogs the network if there
are many XOs running it. So, if you think of a scenario where many XOs are
_not_ turned on at the same time (or  within a certain time window) each XO
will have an opportunity to switch to gabble without the need to turn salut
off. The network will be naturally salut free.

Maybe  we don't need to turn salut off while trying to connect to gabble.

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 3:19 PM, John Watlington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Feb 14, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Jim Gettys wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 2008-02-14 at 16:58 +0200, Morgan Collett wrote:
> >> We're testing patches to Presence Service to not start salut (or stop
> >> it) for a while to give gabble a chance to connect to the
> >> schoolserver.
> >>
> >> However, Daf came across what was a very minor problem which becomes
> >> more serious in light of this change.
> >>
> >> Many activities are calling PS get_preferred_connection() to interact
> >> directly with the appropriate Telepathy Connection Manager, which was
> >> required in the past before we expanded Presence Service's
> >> management of
> >> setting up channels for activities.
> >>
> >> However, during the period when we stop salut to let gabble try to
> >> connect, this call fails as there is no running plugin in PS. If an
> >> activity is launched during this time (and there's no particular
> >> UI to
> >> show this other than no buddies in mesh view) and it makes this
> >> call in
> >> __init__ as most of them do, then it will crash with a gray screen.
> >>
> >> This affects: Calculate, Chat, Pippy, Record, Web and Write (of the
> >> activities we bundle) and potentially other non-bundled activities.
> >
> > Ouch...
> >
> > Seems like this is something we're going to have to fix pretty quickly
> > no matter what.
> >
> >>
> >> Our options are:
> >>
> >> (a) Touch all these activities now and port them to the newer cleaner
> >> API offered by PS/Sugar
> >
> > How big are the diffs?  Does this simplify the code?
> >
> >> (b) Don't do #6299 for Update.1, but do it and (a) for Update1.1
> >
> > This would be pretty much immediately, anyway.
> >
> >> (c) Find some way for the call to get_preferred_connection to fail
> >> gracefully (We can't think of one so far)
> >> (d) Make a UI change to let the children know not to launch
> >> activities
> >> during this time period\
> (d) might be the simplest to implement in the required time frame.
> > Let me ask a different question: what happens to activities already
> > running which are running shared?  Are they going to fail?
> > Presumably,
> > yes....
> It sounds like any activity trying to share until either gable
> connect to a server
> or gives up and starts salut is going to crash.  This either happens
> on boot or
> when a user manually switches networks.
> wad
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