Hi Devels,

Well... Just in time for the Lunar eclipse in a couple of days! I  
wanted post my first Sugar activity port here, it is a conversion/ 
update from an OS X Cocoa app I wrote some years back. It is a v1 so  
be kind, but happy to hear any feedback about making this a more  
productive/educational activity for sharing, or if you spot any faux  
pas in terms of a Sugar/XO activity.


This was a learning exercise for me, Python I know, but GTK (and the  
provided Sugar environment) well that was all new. Embarrassed to say  
it actually took me a day to get a black background to the Moon widget  
area (!!) but I picked up a little speed after that, honest :-)

Happy Moon/eclipse watching.

Gary C. Martin

P.S. "Earth" is my next planned port (from EarthGlobe), though there  
are a few extra hurdles to resolve for that one (i.e. quick 3d sphere  
rotation interaction given no OpenGL support). Might have to drop to  
wireframe during manipulation, or get dirty with a C Python extension.  
Shout if I missed something obvious here.
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