Robert and all,

I would appreciate a clarification in the following issues:

Currently how does the Presence Service and Telepathy-Salut  
communicate with each other?  Is it through the PS DBus API 
   My understanding is that this API is the interface between the  
sugar environment, activities, etc., and Presence Service; is this  

In re-factoring  Salut to use a Cerebro DBus service instead of Avahi,  
what are the things that we must watch out for in order to avoid  
breaking PS?

I hope my questions are clear,
Rene De Santiago

On Feb 18, 2008, at 6:55 AM, Robert McQueen wrote:

> Our suggestion would therefore be that we look at refactoring Salut
> (obviously we'd be happy to help) so that it can use your presence
> system as an alternative source of information, perhaps using your  
> code
> as D-Bus service in a similar way that it currently uses the system- 
> wide
> Avahi service to do mDNS for it. This would allow you to focus on just
> the presence information propogation, and benefit from the existing
> direct and group communications implementations in Salut.
> So the picture would look like this:
>    [ Activity ]      [ Activity ]      [ Sugar ]
>          |                 |               |
>          v                 v               v
>          -----------------------------------
>               | (Telepathy API)     | (PS API)
>               v                     v
>    [ Telepathy Salut ] <--> [ Presence Service ]
>               |
>               v
> [ OLPC Mesh-presence-o-tron ]
> And yes, its possible the "presence service" is misnamed. :D

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