On Mar 7, 2008, at 18:00 , C. Scott Ananian wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 11:43 AM, Bert Freudenberg  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I indeed participated in this thread, but I found "When update.1 is
>>  released, we'll provide an 'activity pack' for G1G1 folks" to not be
>>  exactly satisfactory. And I'd imagine the support crew is looking
>>  forward to the gazillions of "where did my apps go" requests ...
>>> It was mentioned as a release note item.
>>  Excuse my ignorance, but I cannot find any update.1 release notes  
>> for
>>  build 696 which removed the activities.
> Exactly: build 696 was not a public release candidate, and in fact it
> was made specifically to allow some private mesh testing at OLPC
> (unless that was build 695 or 694, I lose track sometimes).  We only
> write release notes for public releases: there are only so many hours
> in the day!  And we do not in fact have a activity pack pulled
> together for G1G1 ready to go (again, limited resources, and G1G1 is
> not our highest priority at the moment).  We will do all these things
> before we declare update.1 "done".  We're not really all used to the
> idea that we have to document things *before* we try them and before
> they even work!  But that is what our community demands of us, and the
> accountability is good for us.

I certainly hope you guys are looking in that direction rather than  
keeping things more secret (like what happened with the build  
announcer script getting disabled). It's hard enough to get crumbs of  
information thousands of mil^h^h^h kilometers away ...

- Bert -

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