On Sun, Mar 09, 2008 at 05:29:50PM +0545, Bryan Berry wrote:
> David, good idea.
> there are only about 6 light bulbs at the Bishwamitra (smaller school)
> and less than 5 at Bashuki the larger school.
> I will have to ask Ram (our power guy) about what's available on the
> local market. 
> Regards to getting some for free, it would be great if you could put us
> in contact w/ someone to donate them.

What's the USD cost of what would help in the short term?  If I/others
can skip our daily $5 venti latte + muffin for a month, buy something
online and put it in the post, I'm more than happy to do that.

Hopefully this could complement the work of people with corporate
connections who could arrange a more regular source of donations.


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