So apparently no "product manager" or other person in a leading role  
feels compelled to clear up the confusion.

Here is what I understand:

Quanta will soon switch to pre-install the "update.1" build. This  
means any new XO will come only with very basic activities factory- 
installed, the ones "supported by OLPC" as per 
  (currently Journal, Read, Chat, Browse, Write, Record, and Paint,  
possibly also Terminal).

Countries can install unsupported activities on each machine using a  
USB key:

G1G1 recipients will lose all other activities when upgrading, they  
can then download the lost activities from the web. Same for other  

The unsupported activities will be installed in the user's home  
directory so they will at least not be lost again when the base system  
is upgraded. But they also will not be automatically updated anymore,  
this will have to be done manually.

Is that about right?

- Bert -

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