
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 5:53 PM, C. Scott Ananian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One major frustration with the existing datastore implementation is
>  that is unfriendly to legacy applications: you can't easily use the
>  command-line to browse through it, and you can't save a file from an
>  unmodified linux application into the journal.  I propose a filesystem
>  design, called olpcfs for now, to address this deficiency, and provide
>  versioning and synchronization mechanisms needed for the
>  next-generation journal.  It plays nicely with the upgrade mechanisms
>  and Bitfrost, too!
>  More information: (draft) http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Olpcfs

thank you very much for devoting time to this. Some questions for now:

- Do you think that the POSIX API is very much tied to the underlying
implementation or should be discussed separately?

- This POSIX API would be the main way to access the data? Or just one
more way? If so, have you already thought about the main API? Anything
better than D-Bus?

In general, I would like to know first more details about your
motivations for redesigning the DS. Mine are the following:

- add versioned entries and delta-based storage,

- get a saner way of passing files from activity side to the DS-managed side,

- make it more maintainable, perhaps add one lawyer of abstraction so
we can switch later to a different full text engine, metadata storage,

- increase scalability and raw performance.


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