On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 4:27 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  trying to work from signal strength won't work well, but you may be able
>  to triangulate based on the arrival time of the signal at various
>  locations.
>  there are companies that do this commercialy with 3+ access points

The recommended configuration for mid-to-high-end school servers has 3
active antennaes attached, and our recommendation is that they are
placed well apart. They can be up to 10m apart due to USB cable lenght
limits, and Wad mentioned 2m minimum recommended distance. If the
distance is enough (in relation to the granularity of timers in the
antennaes) then telling the XS about relative location of the
antennaes could provide enough info.

Having said that, I suspect that being able to do any of the above is
somewhat far ahead in time ;-)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
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