Welcome, Morgan!

Also, please touch base with Erik Blankenship and Bahkatiar Mikhak
(Mediamods) who have just started a project for OLPC to create some
interactive tutorials to help activity developers understand sugar
interface, journal, bundling, collaboration, etc. You will be a great
resource for them!


On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Morgan Collett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> (Excuse the cross-post, but I don't know whether activity authors are
> on the sugar list, which I presume is the more appropriate list for
> this topic in future...)
> I'm now working for OLPC, on improving activity collaboration. If you
> are developing an activity and have/intend to implement collaboration,
> my mission is to make that easier through documentation, examples,
> improved API and general assistance.
> Please take a look at http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Collaboration_Central
> - a work in progress but it's intended to be a one-stop shop for
> information on implementing and improving collaboration.
> This week's Sugar development meeting on IRC
> (
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_dev_meeting#Thursday_April_17_2008_-_17.00_.28UTC.29
> )
> will focus on activity collaboration. If you have questions or
> comments I'd love to discuss them then.
> Otherwise, catch me on #sugar, or if you have issues that would
> benefit other activity authors, please send them to the sugar list and
> we can discuss them there.
> Regards
> Morgan
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