2008/4/18 Kim Quirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In my experience running QA teams and releases for commercial projects,
> small fast releases require (or imply) quite a bit of focused process and
> really good automation on the testing side.

I agree. Testing XOs is hard.

> Also, after other discussions on this list, it seems like there are two
> other items that drive 'major release' twice a year and a few bug fix
> releases in between:

Yes. And at the same time, I think we do have audiences for frequent
releases. Even in deployment countries. regional teams may have
"pilot" schools (close to the NOC?) where they can deploy often.

Having regular "milestone" releases is good for the health of the
project for the same reasons a daily build is a powerful tool. All we
need to do is to tag some of them (one or two each year) as "Long Term
Support". The milestone releases have an audience composed of

 - developers
 - early adopters (pilot schools close to the noc, G1G1 hands-on users, etc)

That's a bit what I am doing with the XS - will do "small feature
releases" until 0.9 and then focus on bugfixes to take that to a 1.0


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
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