"Eventually, Negroponte added, Windows might be the sole operating
system ... Negroponte said he was mainly concerned with putting as
many laptops as possible in children's hands."

..and credit cards with huge overdrafts for all. so this project IS
about the colonization of minds and expanding 'markets' (read

the potential damage of a project with a core philosophy as rotten
should not be underestimated. are we not trying to cure a
fundamentally sick society by cultivating FREE thinking happy minds
with educational resources? ubuntu anyone?

it is time to get things right and if that means waiting a generation
or two for flash animation, it would be a small price to pay compared
to the alternative. if Gnash is not capable, xinf.org may soon be.

i aplaude people who are leaving and hope the community re-groups soon

my 2 cents (..what an expression..)
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