To be truthful I would be perfectly happy if the SD card just had 
metadata, including screenshots, like regular journal entries have.  The 
other Journal features aren't necessary.  If there was a way of doing a 
Move from the Journal to the SD card that would be helpful.  Finally, 
since both are constrained in space, it would be desireable to prevent 
copies and moves if the target did not have enough free disk space.  
This is my biggest frustration with the XO.  If I'm reasonably careful 
it has more than enough disk space for my needs.  The problem is that it 
makes it difficult to be careful.  I have had an experience where it 
copied a Journal entry to the SD card and ran out of disk space before 
the copy completed, and there was no indication of this at all, other 
than the fact that my Activity didn't work.  I had to open the Terminal 
to find out what went wrong.

James Simmons

Eben Eliason wrote:

> | In other words, the Journal and the interactions with it are so tied
> | to the system already, that one would still have to manually copy
> | pretty much anything one wants onto the SD card or external device
> | anyway.  The only difference would be in whether or not the copied
> | files get indexed, with metadata, similar to the way the Journal
> | entries do; it can never serve as a "replacement" for the Journal, or
> | as an "extension" of it, which seems to remove most of the benefits
> | that it could otherwise offer.  Perhaps you could instead "register"
> | an SD card *as* the Journal, so that in the future the Journal
> | activity ignores NAND and instead operates only on the registered
> | device instead. This doesn't really extend the simply
> | swaps it out (for something with, presumably, much more), which is
> | still not that great.

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