On Sat, May 03, 2008 at 02:32:52PM +0100, Martin Dengler wrote:
> Based on a g-p-m presentation[1] and the results[2,3] of my 5-10 minutes
> of looking through the g-p-m source, it seems that g-p-m relies on the
> HAL making "battery.remaining_time" (time-in-seconds) available.

Those who do not understand history...:
http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/31#comment:30 is the last mention of
g-p-m and OHM and battery time remaining I can find, and it both says
(effectively) g-p-m does have such a time remaining calculation, and
implies that OHM does not.  AFAICS g-p-m doesn't so I need to be
educated/corrected by someone with more time / knowledge.  There seems
to be hope that someone knows the answer, so I hope they're still
reading this list...

> Martin

Martin (replying to myself again)

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