On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Mikus Grinbergs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One low-hanging fruit for faster activity start is having activity install
>> compile .pyc files
> There are .pyc files here and there in the XO core software.  I do
> not expect to myself be changing Activity code -- but if the OLPC is
> supposed to be "easy enough for a kid to program" - *someone* will.
> For myself, I don't have wireless at home; to make my communications
> setup work properly I need to "patch" some "telepathy/presence" .py
> files.  [Having changed a .py file, I delete the same-name .pyc
> file, and reboot.]  I'm not sure what created those corresponding
> .pyc files.  I __wish__ there was an easy-to-find GUIDE explaining
> how and when the various .pyc files were installed.

Your wish is noted on the Wiki page for the Architecture Manual.

> mikus
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