Gary C Martin wrote:

> Just noticed that joyride build1950 (from Thurs May 15th) seems to be  
> the last joyride build that has any available content – since then the  
> build directories are all empty:
> Did it break, or is it perhaps being moved to another build location?
> Same issue with the faster stream, though that only seems to have made  
> it up to build1949:
> Thanks for any pointers.

On going issues with disk space.  We are still waiting for the increased 
diskspace to finish the parity building stage.  The builds had exhaused 
all the disk space (again) causing other services problems.  So the 
builds were moved.  CScott was working on it.  I'm not sure if its 
supposed to be working yet.

Richard Smith  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
One Laptop Per Child
Devel mailing list

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