Hi All,

I posted a first pass Release Process Overview.

See: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Release_Process_Home

Its based on work done by Michael and others on this list. It needs a
lot more work, but I hope we can start using it soon and improve it over

I could use help fleshing it out and closing the open items listed in
the final section. Let me know if anyone wants to work with me on that.

The goals of this process are:
1 - Ensure high quality releases which meet the needs of users in a
timely fashion.
2 - Maximize the participation, productivity and enthusiasm of the open
source community.
3 - Create a predictable process which helps users and developers plan
for the future.

I want to minimize the process overhead as much as possible. If its not
helping make coders life easier then its not likely to make better code.

Please comment, question, augment and criticize as needed. I especially
want to know if it makes sense, looks useful and meets the goals
outlined above.

Comments on linked pages also welcome, especially:

Any input welcome.


Greg Smith
OLPC Product Manager

PS - This is my first e-mail to the list since I changed from volunteer
to employee. It's truly an honor to have this chance to work for OLPC
and to learn from you all!

Right now, I'm 90% focused on gathering input so I'm open to a call or
e-mail exchange with anyone who is contributing to the project. If you
want to have a brief call, just send me an agenda and a few open times
7AM - 6PM US ET, Mon - Fri.

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