2008/6/30 Carlos Dario Isaza Zamudio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello


> I 'm working with the OLPC Caldas project and i have a few questions about
> the sugar system.
> 1) What's the equivalent command for "man" in the XO?

man pages are not installed to save some space on the machines.  I
suppose the equivolent command would be to type 'man your_command'
into Google in Browse ;)

> 2) What's the password when i try to access the XO through SSH?

you need to set the root password before you can do this.  if you're
in the Terminal activity:
sudo passwd

should give you a prompt to set the new root password.  I've heard
that changing the user olpc's password can have unintended
consequences.  (not sure where this is documented, tho I think its on
the wiki somewhere

> 3) What's the equivalent command for "ifconfig" or where can i see the
> configuration of the Mesh Network?

ifconfig works for me, or is there more you want to see?

> To sum it up I'm having some problems with the shell commands on the XO
> laptop, is there a link or do you guys have a document of the sugar
> components or configuration files? I've been looking around the wiki for
> some answers but so far no good results about my doubts.

> I appreciate your help. i guess i'll be bugging you guys from now on, thank
> you very much

good luck and enjoy!


> --
> Carlos Dario Isaza Zamudio::ConTi
> Ingeniero Electronico
> Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Manizales
> Linux Registered User #465475
> eSSuX - Usuarios y Desarrolladores GNU/Linux UNAL Manizales
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