On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 5:13 PM, Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Kim will check with Peru and Greg will check with Uruguay teams to
> ensure that they do not plan to upgrade to 8.2.0. Action item due by
> July 20.

Why don't we want them to use 8.2?

I suspect some words were left out, and what you really meant was,
"their schedules for adopting 8.2 are not pressing"?

If we don't expect our two largest deployments to adopt our release,
why are we making it?

Something's not right here.

Incidentally, on the "blocking bug" front, I notice that Uruguay's
wireless problems with 703/708 were nowhere to be found on the roadmap
for 8.2.  This is a blocker to our producing something useful for "the

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