On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 10:22:50AM +0200, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 13, 2008 at 6:11 AM, Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dennis recently made us an 8.2 release build stream. For the time being, 
> > you're
> > all doing a great job providing good fixes, so Dennis will automatically 
> > merge
> > changes from joyride into the 8.2 stream as soon as he sees a positive 
> > report
> > about the changes. Please leave us messages in Trac, then poke us if you 
> > need
> > to attract our attention to your change. (In a couple of weeks, we'll start
> > being more selective about which changes we include [at which time this
> > communication will become more important.)
> What do you mean with "positive report"? 

The same statement that a tag like 'joyride-2153:+' means: someone
specifically retested an issue on a build known to contain the
package(s) you want to ship and could not reproduce the issue according
to the testcase(s) discussed in the ticket.

> Do we need to notify Dennis as soon as we verified the changes are
> working? If so, how?

a) How would you like to do so?

b) Do you agree that it's a good idea to start maintaining both a
   development and a release buildstream now? Would you prefer to wait
   for a few more days? If so, why?

> > Joe really needs nice package-level changelogs in order to quickly figure 
> > out
> > exactly which individual issues he's supposed to be testing in a given 
> > build.
> > I'm sure he'll give us some hints soon about what he wants to see; in the
> > meantime, please put some extra effort into writing informative changelog
> > entries that will be useful for QA (and for me). (I'm looking at you, kernel
> > team!)
> For the Sugar packages what we can easily produce is a list of tickets
> that has been fixed (we have a ticket for each change) and testcases
> for these fixes. These can be generated automatically from the git log
> so that we don't put too much overhead on the module maintainers.

I've seen. Could you post a link to the code which performs this task so
that we can see whether it can be extended to other subsystems? (Also,
does it publish any web-pages or is it email-only?)


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