On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 15:14, Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> GS - Does anyone have the contact info for the developers of all the
> currently available activities? Can we document the changes they need to
> make in 8.2.0 and contact them? Let's also ask them what they think
> about us requiring they rewrite in each release.

I've been thinking about having a mailing list specifically for
activity authors. Many of them do not need all the info posted to
devel@lists.laptop.org or [EMAIL PROTECTED], and may appreciate a
specific list with lower "noise" (to them). The benefit to us would be
a greater chance of reaching all activity developers. (Those who speak
English, anyhow.)

It should probably be on lists.sugarlabs.org, since activities are
specific to Sugar.

Any comments?

> - Leaving aside how its done technically, I believe that Linux
> distributions are fully backward compatible. That is, you can go to the
> latest supported Distribution and leave your Firefox (or any
> application) on its older release and it will still work fine. Let me
> know if that is not correct. I think that is what we need to strive for,
> eventually.

Uh, no, sorry to burst your bubble. Noooooooo... (besides, why would
you want to run your old version when you get fresh newness every +-6
months? :-)

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