On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 00:32, Brian Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi friends,
> It would be nice if we had network manager 0.7 in joyride.
>    * It has a nicer API
>    * Nobody is developing 0.6 anymore
>    * 0.7 has new functionality and may have support for more networks
> This would likely require working with the...
>    * Sugar presence service
>    * Neighborhood view
>    * Frame for the mesh device representation
> See http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Network_manager_0.7 , and please
> indicate if you are interested in working towards this (or know
> someone who may be).

Sjoerd Simons at Collabora is looking at NM 0.7 for us.

Currently we have lots of XO-specific patches (for msh0 etc) in NM
0.6.5 which were not sent/accepted upstream. Due to significant NM
changes these patches cannot be applied to 0.7 so the work has to be
redone and hopefully improved such that it is upstream-friendly. I
can't seem to find a ticket for this.

Secondly, Presence Service needs to be updated to handle API changes
in NM: #6248

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