Hi S,

Thanks for the comments and for checking these pages!

Let me try to clarify.

As it stands today:

8.1.1 = ECO-5 = 708

8.1.1 is almost ready but it needs another review of the release
notes (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Release_Notes/8.1.1) and confirmation
of the exact image name for use in upgrade.  We especially need to
document properly the upgrade from 656 including how you get back your
activities when updating via olpc-update and via USB.

It can be used for G1G1 users if they read the release notes carefully
to understand upgrade choices affects on activities and the SD card issue.

In short, 8.1.1 needs one more sign off which I hope to close on early 
next week.

8.1.2 = ECO-6 = 709

8.1.2 may be used for the next G1G1 factory image but that's not final
yet either. The primary purpose is an updated image for Peru.

This one is getting a little closer and does need to be closed ASAP for 

That's where things stand today. Does the Wiki adequately communicate 
that? Let me know if you have any suggestions on getting that explained 


This link is owned by Seth:

Hopefully he can update it based on this thread.

Both need to come together quickly, target next week. Neither is 
completely final as of this writing.

I'll definitely keep you and this list in the loop.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.


Greg S
Devel mailing list

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