Erik Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Maybe what I'm suggesting boils down to integrate this core activities
>> in the environment so that people installing Sugar won't have to install
>> them separatly.  Just the same way that installing a standard Fedora
>> will install Gnome (will install evolution (etc...)).
> What I'm suggesting is that this step requires global optimization wrt
> which activities are 'core'.  This is difficult, as various deployments
> have different usage patterns and require different sets of software.

Yes, I understand this, but it's quite reasonable to assume that each
deployment will like the list of activities that is listed in the Core
category (cf.

> I have often built debian systems using debootstrap to pull in the most
> minimal typically used system components.  On top of such a system
> customization is easy.  I am suggesting that we may wish to develop a
> similar system so that our downstream developers can have more
> flexibility in customizing their systems.  Activites could be Sugar-core
> and not XO-system core.


We could have something like:

  ~$ apt-get install sugar
     => Install Sugar with a default set of activities
  ~$ apt-get install sugar-extra-activities
     => Install a set of extra activities
  ~$ apt-get install sugar-nepal-activities
     => Install a specific bundle with extra activities
If Sugar installation takes this route, then there is something else
that has to be defined: the default "favorite" activities.  Each deb
package above should define the default set of favs.  And maybe there
could be a way of importing someone's favs easily, whatever the extra
package people installed.

My 2 cents...

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