> Both persons who have answered me have talked about "how things from
> the video frame can be seen".  But I was not looking at video - I
> was looking at TEXT.  If I understand correctly what has been told
> me here, neither the 'black' of the text characters themselves, nor
> the 'white' of the background for the text, should have _allowed_
> "things from the video frame to be seen".  I definitely did not see
> any color.  What I did see was that some parts of the 'black' text
> characters changed briefly to _less_ 'black' (they went black <-->
> gray <--> black) depending on where on *its* screen the ongoing
> video 'session' WOULD HAVE depicted "bright" or "dark" areas.

I think that the operating theory is that, around the edges of the "black"
text, there are some pixels which are "grey" (or even, because of the funny
xo color magic, colored?). These pixels would then be "transparent".

Is this consistent with your experience? In other words, is it possible that
the video was fully visible in occasional pixels, instead of partially
visible in all the "black" text pixels?
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