On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 04:35:23AM -0700, S Page wrote:
> Erik Garrison wrote:
>> I have built a customization key for use by Perú immediately following
>> provisional testing.
>> ...
>> The key is comprised of the previously shipped Perú activity pack and an
>> updated content bundle sent to us by Perú and cleaned up by me over the
>> past day and a half.
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Customization_key doesn't say what a
> "customization key" is.
>   "The customization key allows you to install your own set of
> activities and library content on top of a signed OLPC build. You may
> want to include a named activity pack in such a key. ...
>   Preparing the key: ...
>   Using the key:"
> Is this referring to cryptography and signed builds, or is it just a $20
> USB flash drive?
> My best guess is the first sentence of Customization_key should read
>   "A customization key is a USB flash drive with special boot files
> that upon reboot will install activities, and optionally a new OS image,
> from the USB flash drive onto an XO."
> Correct?
>> Please download this zip file and unpack on a suitable usb key, 
> I think you mean "USB flash drive" here yet there are USB security
> dongles and encrypted USB flash drives.  If it ain't cryptography, avoid
> the "key" word.
> Thanks for any clarification, I'll improve the wiki.

This is all correct.  Please improve the wiki.  I agree that the word
'key' is a semantic mess at OLPC and should be used with extreme care.

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