Am 20.08.2008 um 02:04 schrieb C. Scott Ananian:

> I've revived and turned the crank on the 8.2 branch in preparations
> for forking a stable stream from joyride.  The build announcers will
> probably shortly announce build 753, which should be more-or-less
> identical to the latest joyride.  You can try it out with:
>  # olpc-update 8.2-753
> Although I will refresh again from joyride for a bit longer -- until
> Michael tells me to stop -- consider this your first warning that
> frozen times are approaching.  If you notice some way that build 753
> diverges from joyride, or realize that we've been pulling, say, the
> wrong etoys base image -- speak up now.

That is exactly what happened, etoys reverted to a version from  
November of last year!


Now, if you just did it to test our alertness - we noticed ;)

- Bert -

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