Bert have implemented Etoy saving to the Journal but I guess the
backporting that to older Squeak images Scratch use could be a issue.

On 8/27/08, Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Erik, John et al,
> Scratch is hot in the field right now!
> Kids are posting Scratch projects out of Uruguay and its been included
> in the teacher trainings in other countries too. One of the many great
> things about this application is that it posts directly to the Scratch
> web site. So its easy to share your work from the XO. Something that is
> not as easy as it should be outside Scratch.
> The only downside I have found with Scratch accessing the file system
> directly is that people have not been able to move their Scratch
> projects to a USB stick. I think they are working around that by posting
> them to the Scratch site and pulling down from there but its still a
> problem for offline XOs or those with little BW.
> In any case, I want to make sure Scratch it works in 8.2, at least as
> well as it did in 70x builds.
> Does this fix below allow that? If it does, can we make sure to get that
> on the activities page and available to all?
> On the bug system question, the main page is at:
> Use the view tickets or new ticket links to get started.
> Conventions for using the various fields are documented here:
> Scratch is a phenomenon. It has traction with kids from Newton (e.g. my
> kids :-) to Montevideo and Port Au Prince. Thanks a lot for creating
> this super fun tool!
> Thanks,
> Greg S
> *****************
> Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 22:01:21 -0500 From: Erik Garrison
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Scratch fails to write to
> Scratch.activity/Projects To: John Maloney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at
> 08:40:34PM -0400, John Maloney wrote:
>  > > Hi, Scott.
>  > >
>  > > What's wrong with just making the directory Scratch.activity/Projects
>  > > writable by the world? Seems to me that it could not hurt other
>  > > applications. Scratch does not run any binary files from that folder,
>  > > so it should be pretty safe. At worse, some malicious software could
>  > > write a bogus project file that Scratch would refuse to open.
> I personally find this an acceptable solution.  However, in the present
> moment we have our hands tied, as the olpc-configure script which runs
> on first boot now chmod 755's all directories in /home/olpc.  This is
> problematic when activity bundles are installed prior to the first boot,
> as they are when we use a 'customization' usb key, as all directories
> will lose the permissions set by the bundle creators.
> Customization key description:
> [] Peru has moved to using
> this method to install activities.  This is good for local system
> customization, but it has caused this issue to rear its head.
>  > > The Scratch activity used to install that way but I suppose something
>  > > about the installation process has changed.
> Specifically:
> This code is run once on first-boot.
>  > > Is there a Wiki page that explains how to use the bug database?
> Somewhat.
>  > > Feel free to re-package the current Scratch activity installer to
>  > > include your patch, if you think that makes sense.
> I have taken the Scratch-6.xo which C. Scott initially provided and got
> it to work on the XO as-is.  This involved dropping the wrapper code
> mentioned in the ticket [] and placing
> it into Scratch.activity/bin/scratch-activity and symlinking the
> Projects directory to /tmp/scratch.  A patch to the scratch-activity
> script is attached to the ticket.  An activity bundle (with a lang=es
> line in its Scratch.ini) is available at
> [].
> Erik
>  > > On Aug 26, 2008, at 6:36 PM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
>  >> > > In there's a problem reported:
> Peru
>  >> > > can't save their work in Scratch, because Scratch tries to write to
>  >> > > Scratch.activity/Projects, and this is not writable.  Luckily, there
>  >> > > is an easy workaround: the directory $SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT/data is
>  >> > > persistent storage which is writable by the activity, and properly
>  >> > > protected.  On the trac page I've also provided a patch which wraps
>  >> > > Scratch so that it writes to the proper place.
>  >> > >
>  >> > > Tomeu also volunteered on IRC earlier today to help you implement
>  >> > > proper Journal support for Scratch.
>  >> > >
>  >> > > Finally: there are a number of bugs filed against scratch in our bug
>  >> > > tracker, but it doesn't appear to have a proper component and owner
>  >> > > created for it in the tracker.  We'd like to fix that: do you have a
>  >> > > username on the trac instance that we could make the
>  >> > > default owner of bugs filed against 'scratch-activity' so that
> you are
>  >> > > promptly notified if/when people have problems?
>  >> > >
>  >> > > Thanks for porting scratch, the kids in Peru seem to really like
>  >> > > it.  ;-)
>  >> > > --scott
>  >> > >
>  >> > > --
>  >> > > ( )
>  > >
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>  > > Devel mailing list
>  > >
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