It's not really an issue of speed.  The launcher in current joyrides
has a half-dozen serious behavioral bugs.  I worked with Marco to
create a patch for this, which cleans up all but one tiny behavioral
glitch, and which after 3+ days of testing by myself and a few others
has yielded no side effects.  The patch (attached to #7669) fixes more
than half of the bugs listed in #8090, and is a really big win in that
regard; I think the patch should be seriously considered for 8.2.0,
considering the extent of the brokenness of the current behavior.

- Eben

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Greg Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> Reading the "Blocks?" bugs this morning:
> I noticed that we can get a lot of them off the list if we can close or
> defer 8090.
> Where are we with activity launching? Is it good enough and we have the main
> issues ironed out?
> I see mention of "Eben's" patch in the bug. Is that in the latest joyride?
> If its as fast or faster than 708 and we have no other serious issues (aside
> from 7876 which we will address separately), let's declare victory and come
> back to it in 9.1 as needed.
> Thanks,
> Greg S
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