It is my understanding that deployments with larger schools will be  
using WAPs and possibly some active antennas (currently a shortage
  of these).  These large schools are more like the G1G1 situation as  
the pupil moves from one area of the school to another they may  
connect to another AP.
I have informed a person involved with deployment at large schools of  
this thread (and the other thread). I am hoping they will respond  
with information about the wireless topography.

On Sep 10, 2008, at 6:25 AM, Mikus Grinbergs wrote:

> When there has been an "unconnected" period (e.g., while suspended),
> the question has been discussed as to WHICH connection ought the
> system be trying to re-establish.  I agree with those who would like
> the 'most recent connection' to be tried first, unless the user has
> explicitly indicated some other preference.
> But my chief reason for posting this is to point out the difference
> between an "education environment" for OLPC users, and a "G1G1
> environment" for OLPC users.  The whole design of Network Manager
> seems to be aimed at the former -- connect to the *same* school
> server all the time;  if it is out of reach, connect to the *same*
> set of buddies (e.g., via mesh).
> As a G1G1 user, I tend to carry my XO with me.  So at 7am I might
> use it at home;  at 10am at the office during a break;  at noon at a
> lunch spot,  etc., etc.   Meaning that continually this XO needs to
> be connected to a *different* AP.  [And I don't like to just erase
> networks.cfg -- there might be values held there that I might not
> want to re-type manually when I next need to use a particular AP.]
> To me, the "G1G1 environment" is characterized by NOT using the same
> connection each time.  Please don't make it cumbersome to switch APs
> mikus
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