
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 2:18 AM, Martin Langhoff
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Michail Bletsas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Where is that list? Who has it? Who coordinates bugtracking for the
>>> libertas stuff? Can't be that much of a mistery.
>>> </important>
>> If that's a mystery to you after so many months of working for OLPC, I
>> really don't want to spoil the suspense... ;-)
> I'm appreciate the humour. Now this thread has 20 msgs already, and I
> have a release to work towards. Straight answers please...?

What's more straight than saying: The team recommends that the only
firmware to be used with the new 2.6.25 kernel is 22.p18 and the only
known issue that this team has characterized so far with this
firmware, that can be of interest to the XS, is timing issues with
WPA? There may be others, but they are not "known bugs" so far.

By the way. Actually, no. Even the WPA issue should not interfere with
the XS. And, I would like to understand what is the connectivity model
that you are trying to implement on the XS. Are we insisting on using
active antennae as mesh gateways on the XS? Is it clear to you that we
do not recommend this at all?

Simply put. The model of having a bunch of school servers with a bunch
of active antennas to support hundreds of laptops in 3 mesh clouds
should be completely abandoned. The recommendation of the connectivity
team is: use access points (note: active antennae will act as APs
shortly, but this is another story). What are your reasons to do

>>>  - There is an old issue (seen with the 20.49p firmware and oldish
>>> driver) with the device getting locked up, which gets "solved"
>>> power-cycling the libertas device. Is it fixed in recent drivers /
>>> firmwares? Which ones?
>> Many things have changed since 20.p49
> I am sure they have. Now, from the team that has been working on
> libertas day in and day out for the last N months... does it still
> reset overnight? Yes, no, dunno?

Again: With the 2.6.25 kernel and older firmwares, you would
experience wireless "crashes". Other than that (i.e. previous kernel
with recommended firmware),  no one has reported any "overnight reset"
with the wireless firmware for months.

Firmware 20.p49 is deprecated for months now. I had no idea that
someone was using it (a communication flaw?), and I don't recall
reading any questions on what version should be used with the school
server, before now. Have this question been asked?

> cheers,
> m
> --
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
>  -
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