On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 1:47 PM, James Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've 703 and 2311 available to compare.  Here's a few things I found.
> --
> A test to compare available memory by eliminating buffer cache.
> Method: boot, wait for UI to be stable, switch to text console, echo 3 >
> /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches, run free(1) and note the "free" column, repeat
> a few times.
> Result: build 703 has 123528 pages free, build 2311 has 93716 pages
> free.

I repeated this with joyride 2444, with all the "default" activities
installed, a clean profile and the cerebro rpm removed. 125748 pages
are free. I'm not sure this is completely fair, because, for example,
having stuff in the journal affects it. But it surely looks like
progress :)

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