Ah, so that's why you separate these legacy-hierarchical files with a
light grey slash (/) . So that a kid who only knows the Journal
tagging world can ignore it, and users who have know the hierarchical
world can understand it and make advance usage of that knowledge when
transfering from or browsing hierarchical filesystems.

Goof idea!


2008/9/23 C. Scott Ananian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 5:00 PM, Benjamin M. Schwartz
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> | Briefly: in addition to specifying multiple tags as "a b c" you can
>> | also separate some of the tags with slashes, like "a/b c".  A search
>> | for "a/b" only turns up entries tagged "a/b" not entries tagged "b/a"
>> | or "a b", although a search for "a b" turns up all of them.
>> OK, so if I understand you correctly, you are not actually adding any
>> semantics at all to the tags.  What you are saying is that I can tag
>> objects with arbitrary strings that may include the "/" character, and
>> then filter objects by substring search on their tags.
> If you mount a USB key, and it has files in Music/Bach/Disc1, they
> appear in your journal's object view tagged as 'Music/Bach/Disc1'.
> They show up in searches for 'Music' and 'Bach'.
> If a legacy application saves a file to
> ~/Journal/cute/cats/my-picture.jpg, then my-picture.jpg shows up in
> the Journal tagged with 'cute/cats'.  This is pretty much
> indistinguishable from being tagged "cute cats", unless you happen to
> care enough to do ordered searches (young kids presumably would not).
>  --scott
> --
>  ( http://cscott.net/ )
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