Hi Bryan, Martin et al,

Good input on content filtering, thanks.

Here's my take on the current state of affairs:

1 - We have a release called 0.5 which is almost done and should be 
available in October. It does not include DanGuardian. The following URL 
lists the work that is in or close to in:

Hopefully we can write a nice release note for it shortly, giving a 
better explanation of the new features.

2 - We can consider DansGuardian for 0.6 but there is not a firm date 
for 0.6 at this time. Looks like we have agreement on the need for a 
Content Filtering solution but not quite locked down on which one.

I will work with Martin to try and get it on the roadmap. That said, 
looking at your deployment dates, you should plan on taking 0.5 and 
setting up the content filtering yourself.

One question for Martin,

Is Squid in and supported? Will it be configured/configurable and easier 
to install in the 0.5 release?

I think I have asked that before and I'm pretty sure that the answer is 
Yes Squid is part of the XS image. Just double checking and seeing if we 
have made it any easier to configure.

Thanks for the details on your plans from Tony and Bryan. Let me know if 
you have any other questions or need any more info. If Nepal can be a 
lead user for XS 0.5 that will help us burn it in for use in Birmingham 
and Paraguay and elsewhere.


Greg S

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