New Feature of the Weekly Report.

Greg's User Feedback URL of the Week (English):
This is a great evaluation of an XO pilot in a NYC school.

Greg's User Feedback URL of the Week (Spanish):
New forum for volunteers and teachers out of Uruguay.


Status of last weeks goals:
1 - Get 8.2 to manufacturing. Catch up on bug triage.

GS - Done! 8.2-767 has gone to Quanta for manufacturing test. Barring 
any surprises 8.2.0 will be manufactured on new XOs starting Monday 
October 13.

2 - Finish 8.2 Release notes and get final review of them from engineering.

GS - Done. Final draft Release notes is ready. A short and sweet version 
is at: with links
from there to the detailed version at:
Last call for edits and final sign off needed from management and

3 - Finalize blurb used to promote the release and start sending it out
to internal lists. Write more generally usable Release message.

GS - Not done. Last weeks blurb is the current best version.

4 - Update deployments page and releases page.

GS - Partially done. Deployments page 
( updated with the XOs
"delivered, shipped, and ordered". Status section needs more updating 
and timeline needs editing/bug fixing. No changes to Releases page 
( this week.

5 - Post more detailed 8.2.1 page and restructure 9.1 page.

GS - Partially done. Some minor edits to 9.1 page. 8.2.1 page removed 
and link to unscheduled release process page left. If/when we hear a 
specific blocking issue for a deployment we will start filling it out again.

Goals for next week:
1 - Get sign off and incorporate final edits on 8.2 release notes.

2 - Write 8.2 availability announcement e-mail. Update wiki home page to 
link to 8.2. Should be in place for posting on or before Monday 10/13.

3 - Start weekly 9.1 meetings. Do major restructuring of 9.1 page. Start 
planning in person 9.1 conference.


Greg S

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