On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 01:35:40PM -0700, Carol Hussein Lerche wrote:
>In response to Scott's mail, if you look at the roadmaps linked to there is
>nothing approaching a feature oriented roadmap there, though a lot of good
>input is gathered in the mails captured at the end of his w.l.o/9.1 link,
>and of course there is no clue in this page as to which if any of these
>suggestions will be implemented and when.  That is the problem.  Here's what
>I mean by a feature roadmap.  Pick a set of key improvements.  Say when you
>are going to do them in words that can be understood by an outsider.  (Not,
>for example, "glucose <with a git pointer>" ).   Asking for this
>roadmap is not about criticizing that the development is going too slow.

Sure. Scott was saying that, in November, we're going to boil the
current 9.1.0 page down to a collection of macroscopic release contracts
(or whatever equivalent concept the next release manager decides to
use.) Then you'll be able to make an informed decision. However, in
order to make those contracts believable, we clearly need to do a bit of
work to figure out what's worth doing and whether there are obvious

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