On Sat, Oct 11, 2008 at 04:13:22PM +0800, Carlos Nazareno wrote:
> We were having a discussion at the Gnash developer mailing list about
> the absurdity of the situation where it was so difficult to get sound
> working with Gnash on build 767 that the easy workaround to get sound
  I have Gnash with working sound and full YouTube video support on 767, and
it wasn't even hard.

> What I mean is that if it's going to take so much difficult jumping
> through hoops to get sound working with Gnash on the OLPC, why not
> just recommend that users install the Adobe Flash player which can be
> done with a single wget-rpm combo and cause less of a support
> nightmare?

  Persovnally, the only way to fix this problem is to get political, and start
lobbying for the end of software patents. It's the *legal* issues here
around codecs and software patents that is the problem, not any technical

  btw, this attitude is why I've personally given up on the OLPC project. It's
been very upsetting to me to see such a great project slowly slide into
the proprietary software world. Oh that's right, Nicholas says I'm a free
software fundamentalist, holding back the OLPC project... Ship whatever you
want... I give up again.
> And if we ship with 0.8.3, once Gnash 0.8.4 comes out (pretty close
> enough from what I read from Gnash dev), G1G1 users are going to be
> stuck with an older outdated version of Gnash for a long time.
 Which won't work, then everyone will say Linux/Gnash sucks, and give me XP
and Adobe. Sigh...

        - rob -

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