On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 1:40 PM, elana langer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> file artifacts in the journal--the process went something like
> this-insert a flash drive to the xo that has a lot of files on it from
> windows computer, they show up in journal, remove flash drive, erase
> many of the files on a windows machine, use the flash drive with
> windows, mac and linux computers for a couple weeks, put it back in
> the XO and old files that have been deleted are still cluttering up
> the journal in usb view mode.

This is going to be fixed for 9.1.

> In 650 and 656 the team saw a few instances of the journal
> disappearing-reinstalling the journal activity fixed this.

I think 8.2 should be much better from this respect. But a really solid
solution will be available only with 9.1.

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