Folks -

I would like to spend some time this week getting a bit more consensus on
the goals and agenda for this conversation before we get too far ahead with
planning and invitations.  I don't want to spend the first day "setting the
scope and expectations for the week" only to discover that some people
showed up looking for a different scope and expectations!  We are not going
to try to be all things to all people, but are going to try to focus largely
on how best to meet the needs that are already well-communicated and
generally understood.

I would also like to stop calling this "9.1" planning.  We need to plan the
development work we need to get done, regardless of whether that work will
be able to ship next March.  At a certain point we will have some of this
work complete and available for qualification in a March delivery, and we'll
ship that as 9.1.  And we'll keep going to qualify and ship more of it in
9.2, and more in 10.1 (or is that 0.1??), etc.

    - Ed

On 10/13/08 2:13 PM, "Samuel Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tomeu:
>> Scott:
>>> I think more like:
>>>  Nov 17-20: talks and hacking
>>>  Nov 21: priorities meeting, wrapup.
>>> I'm not the "planning committee", but this would be what I'd like to see.
>> Works for me. Should we be concerned that talk (or aguing) might
>> expand so much that there's little time to take actual decisions?
>> Perhaps a strict schedule may help with this?
> Yes - specific sessions with end times, for presentation and
> brainstorming, as the start of future discussions.   We have other
> good channels for lasting talk and arguing (like this one :)
> Please suggest specific sessions or presentations you'd like to see or give:
> Marco:
>> * It would be very beneficial to spend some time explaining SL
>> mission and making plans on how to best decouple and integrate
>> processes and infrastructure with OLPC. Perhaps Walter and I could
>> give a talk about that and we would reserve a bit of time the last day
>> to come up with actionable items about this aspect.
> Definitely.  The first day will be given over in part to setting the
> scope and expectations for the week; that would be a good time for an
> initial talk about this (noting Tomeu's concern above, perhaps at the
> end of the day, before dinner...).
> It would also be very beneficial to spend a good bit of time at the
> beginning reviewing feedback from our major deployments -- not only
> peru and uruguay, which have their own full-fledged national programs
> underway, but also the next tier of ten countries with thousands of
> laptops in the field and specific needs, results, desires, amazements
> and stumbling blocks.   I have posted a concept for an agenda on the
> [[9.1]] page; please take a look, revise mercilessly, &c -- in it I
> left much of tuesday for this sort of feedback.
> SJ
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