On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Michael Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marco,
> I did some basic profiling of my new rainbow code last night and
> discovered that, in the best case with the current codebase on XO, it
> costs about 0.5s/"1 exec(python)". Approximately 80% of the 0.5s was
> spent importing modules.
> I hope to dig deeper in the near future, but I am concerned at my lack
> of inspiration about how to deal with this problem. (Other than by
> rewriting into a different language.) I still do not consider the
> mod_python approach used in the 767-era rainbow to be a viable long-term
> solution.

FWIW, I had done some experiments with Federico's profiling scripts in
the early stages of the 8.2 cycle, and had got similar results:
It's not much meaningful, but if it helps in any way.. :-)

Sayamindu Dasgupta
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