
We are collecting all well formed ideas for future development at: 

Add your suggestions to that page. In the near future we will start 
prioritizing them and choosing the target set for inclusion in the next 
release, 9.1.0.

Product management and support now have regular calls and a tight 
synchronization with the technical teams in Uruguay and Peru. We are 
working with them to qualify 8.2 for their deployments and to track 
their feature requests for future releases.

The agenda for a technical conference in January is being set at:
http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XOcamp_2. The first review of all proposals 
should be done by next week. Next, we will create detailed materials and 
pick lead presenters for each session.

User links:

Link of the week (Spanish):
Shows eToys presentations built in Uruguay. See also the "Blogósfera" 
link on the right. Blog posts by XOs in Uruguay have taken off again in 
the last month!

Link of the week (English):
US University-style evaluation of the XO deployment in Nepal.

Goals and to do list.

Status of last weeks goals:

1 - Continue prioritization of January Mini-conference proposals and 
start filling in next level of detail for each.

GS - Underway. Meeting every Wed. at 2PM US ET on IRC freenode.net 
#olpc-meeting to review proposals.

2 - Update roadmap page: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Feature_roadmap
Follow up with deployments to verify priorities. Get a second level of
detail from deployments on what they need.

GS - Partially done. Focusing on the Activation Lease Security: 
Now drilling down on top priorities for largest deployments.

Everyone, please add your feature ideas. Each should have a Requirement 
Definition, some software design comments (AKA Specification), target 
users and engineering or product management owners. Any of the above can 
be URLs to web pages, Trac IDs, or e-mail threads. Put me down as 
interim owner if no one else is available.

3 - Start writing detailed use cases, complete ideas for using XO/XS
(probably a requirements definition for supporting "learning projects"),
and presentations for mini-conference.

GS - Not done. Top priority is Asynchronous collaboration (AKA 
multi-user projects) 

Goals for next week:

1 - Finish first review of January mini-conference proposals. Transition 
conference work to follow up and status only. Add agenda items to weekly 
Future Feature planning meeting (Wed. at 2PM US ET on IRC freenode.net 
#olpc-meeting) to prioritize full feature roadmap and decide how we will 
pick 9.1.0 target features.

2 -  Update roadmap page: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Feature_roadmap
Follow up with deployments to verify priorities. Get a second level of
detail from deployments on what they need.

3 - Start writing detailed use cases, complete ideas for using XO/XS
(probably a requirements definition for supporting "learning projects"),
and presentations for mini-conference.

Inspired by Greg D's recent comments on creating team, I'm thinking of 
starting a roadmap team which will work on the Feature roadmap page and 
strategy. We already have a weekly meeting, minutes and action items. 
All we need now is a wiki page and a better todo list! I'll send out 
more details and URLs on that soon.

Questions and comments welcome.


Greg S

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