s wrote:
 > Ricardo Carrano wrote:
 > > For differences between firmware releases:
 > > http://dev.laptop.org/pub/firmware/libertas/RELEASE_NOTES.
 > > The current recommended firmware release is 22.p18.
 > Nice, I added these to the http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Libertas wiki page
 > I've never flashed the Libertas firmware on my 2007 G1G1 XO, yet 
 > olpc-netstatus -i says I have Libertas: 5.110.22.p18 (from August 2008). 
 >   Does upgrading the OS image on your XO also install new Libertas 
 > firmware, the same way that it may update Open Firmware?  If so, is 
 > there any way to tell it's happening?

you get a fresh copy, which might or might not be different than the
last copy, with every OS release.  no flashing is involved -- it's more
of a download, every time you boot.

 paul fox, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 give one laptop, get one laptop --- http://www.amazon.com/xo
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