Ton -

Thanks for supporting the G1G1 program with your purchases!  This year it
was extremely important for us to have Amazon stocked with inventory so
orders could be fulfilled and delivered right away, the first day of the
program.  That meant that manufacturing actually had to begin before 8.2 was
released; the machines being manufactured now have 8.2 built in, but the
first G1G1 buyers will be receiving the first manufactured machines.

You can find instructions on upgrading and information about the 8.2 release
on our wiki at

This mailing list is for XO software development discussion, so it's not the
best place to get help for G1G1 purchasers.  You can find information about
G1G1 support with lots of great info at

Thanks again for being an "early adopter" this year - we really appreciate

    - Ed

On 11/19/08 9:41 PM, "Ton van Overbeek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Received my 2 XOs ordered last Monday today.
> I was surprised they were booting up in 8.1 with the old sugar
> interface and not with 8.2.
> I was under the impression 8.2.0 was targeted for G1G1-2008, but this
> does not seem to be the case,
> at least not for the US machines currently in stock at Amazon.
> Just curious to know if this was the intention.
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