I'm trying to write code that will force an activity to close after catching
an internal OS/Sugar exception.  I tried using the close() method in
Activity, but it's not qutting the activity as I expected.  Log files show
this after calling the method:

1227218257.734168 DEBUG ClassroomPresenter: write_file
1227218262.006954 DEBUG Shared: Activity is quitting. Making sure student
navigation is unlocked.
1227218262.009369 DEBUG root: Activity.save:
1227218262.015844 DEBUG sugar.presence.presenceservice: Reused proxy <Buddy
object at 0x9339cd4 (sugar+presence+buddy+Buddy at 0x93aa430)>
1227218262.672372 DEBUG ClassroomPresenter: write_file
1227218264.057193 DEBUG root: datastore.write
1227218264.060659 DEBUG root: dbus_helpers.update: ... # lots of stuff here
1227218264.100066 DEBUG root: Written object
5e6f0354-6715-4258-aeee-4e1296c04eb2 to the datastore.
1227218264.102794 DEBUG sugar.presence.activity: <proxy for
/org/laptop/Sugar/Presence/Activities/2 at 9339cac>: leaving

Logs show this when quitting the activity using the close button:

1227218473.241763 DEBUG root: Activity.save:
1227218473.901824 DEBUG ClassroomPresenter: write_file
1227218475.303038 DEBUG root: datastore.write
1227218475.305903 DEBUG root: dbus_helpers.update: ... # lots of stuff here
1227218475.329784 DEBUG root: Written object
5e6f0354-6715-4258-aeee-4e1296c04eb2 to the datastore.
1227218475.717696 DEBUG root: Activity.__save_cb
1227218475.733691 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
1227218475.736404 WARNING root: No gtk.AccelGroup in the top level window.
1227218475.907734 DEBUG root: Quitting the activity process.

Is this the right way to close an activity from the code?


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