On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 9:01 PM, Adam Holt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bryan, Avash, Ties & Aakash,
> Sorry the manual approach ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to receiving developer keys
> changed 2 months ago -- to a semi-automated/self-service approach at this
> site:
>   https://activation.laptop.org/devkey/post/

I don't understand why you guys don't just write a script on the
backend that takes a .dat file and an email address, parses the keys
in the file and sends a mail with the keys attached. Seems like all
the important stuff is already on the server. It's just a matter of
looping through the .dat file it seems to me, and it would save a LOT
of pain for people like us at deployment sites. It's easy to say for
me of course... Or is there a non-technical reason for making us go
though this trouble?


> Sorry if that wasn't made crystal clear -- the updated explanation is now
> here:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activation_and_developer_keys#Getting_devkey_data_via_USB_stick
> Of course for very large numbers of Developer Keys (hundreds or more),
> Reuben Caron will be in touch with you later today to explain how he can
> help you -- thanks!
> --A.
> Bryan Berry wrote:
>> Greg, Adam, Reuben
>> We need an easy way to activate mass #'s of XO's. Accessing the firmware
>> and loading unsigned builds is an important part of our deployment
>> strategy and technical support plan. We have found the "test-all"
>> feature in the firmware to be an invaluable troubleshooting tool in the
>> field. Also, we are constantly refining our own XO image that adds
>> particular rpms and Nepali fonts.
>> I understand OLPC has its internal procedures but please understand this
>> is an important requirement for Nepal.
>> It at all feasible please ensure the XO's coming to Nepal in large
>> quantities are all pre-activated, otherwise we will be sending you a
>> request for several thousand developer keys :)
>> On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 12:11 +0545, Tony Anderson wrote:
>>> Adam,
>>> To the best of my knowledge we are attempting to follow existing
>>> procedures for
>>> deploying sets of laptops documented in
>>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developer_key:
>>>      Getting devkey data via USB stick
>>> This requires a USB memory stick, and manual assistance from someone at
>>> OLPC. The memory stick must be set up to work as a /collection stick/ by
>>> adding code that at boot time copies information from the XO to itself.
>>> After using it, you should send the resulting file to OLPC.
>>>    * Set up a collection stick
>>> <http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activation_and_developer_keys#Setting_up_a_collection_stick>
>>>    * Plug the stick it into your laptop and power it on
>>>    * It will display a pretty "XO" screen and then a short message like
>>>      "SHFxxxxxxxx nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn; Laptop data recorded successfully".
>>>      After a few seconds it will power itself off or indicate it is done.
>>>    * Remove the USB stick and move the file to a different computer
>>>    * Email the laptops.dat file to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Please describe
>>>      your problem, including the serial number (printed inside your
>>>      battery compartment, visible when you remove the battery), and
>>>      attach the resulting laptops.dat file.
>>>        Setting up a collection stick
>>>   1. Download Actos.zip <http://wiki.laptop.org/images/c/cd/Actos.zip>
>>>      and Runos.zip <http://wiki.laptop.org/images/8/8f/Runos.zip> (its
>>>      source code in Forth, if you're interested, is at
>>>      http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=users/cscott/actkey; it will only run
>>>      if it's put into a signed zip file.)
>>>   2. Put these files into the */boot/* directory on a FAT-formatted or
>>>      FAT32-formatted USB flash drive.
>>>          * Most USB flash drives use FAT or FAT32 when you buy them
>>>            (except "U2" memory sticks which probably won't work; they
>>>            contain their own ugly DRM stuff).
>>>   3. Your USB flash drive should contain these files (and nothing else
>>>      in the boot directory):
>>>          boot/          boot/Actos.zip          boot/Runos.zip
>>>   4. If there is an old laptops.dat file on the USB flash drive from an
>>>      earlier collection of laptops, you can delete it. However, see
>>>      below : if you are gathering data from a number of laptops, *do
>>>      not* delete the file in between XOs. The USB flash drive can have
>>>      any other files on it that you like.
>>>        Getting devkey data for many XOs at once
>>> For each laptop that you want to get a Developer Key for:
>>>   1. Repeat the above process, inserting your collection stick and
>>>      powering on the laptop, for each XO in turn.
>>>          * This will combine metadata for each laptop into one
>>>            laptops.dat file, so do not delete the laptops.dat file in
>>>            between.
>>>   2. Email the resulting file to [EMAIL PROTECTED], indicating the # of
>>>      laptops you need keys for.
>>> Then wait for OLPC to send you your Developer key(s) and/or Activation
>>> key(s).
>>> This process is required because e-paat-2 which is the educational
>>> content supporting the Nepali curriculum requires modifications
>>> to the OLPC release that is not possible without a developer key.
>>> Tony
>>> Avash Pandit wrote:
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> Date: Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:11 AM
>>>> Subject: [laptop.org <http://laptop.org> #25711] Activation [Avash
>>>> Pandit @ OLE Nepal]
>>>> Dear Avash,
>>>> Everybody *must* obtain their very own Developer Keys.  To be very
>>>> clear, if you did not understand my message below, this is a
>>>> self-service process -- this means you have to enter each laptop's
>>>> Serial Number and UUID into the following site:
>>>>  https://activation.laptop.org/devkey/post/
>>>> All your Serial Numbers and UUID's are contained in the LAPTOPS.DAT
>>>> file you sent earlier.  For example, your first Serial# was SHF82601571
>>>> and your first UUID was A33F360C-002D-4F67-A7E9-3D807345010C
>>>> Developer Keys are then ready 24hrs after you submit their essential
>>>> data, by going back to the above web site.  Thanks!
>>>> --Adam Holt
>>>> --
>>>> OLPC Support, Volunteer-Driven (http://support.laptop.org)
>>>> On Tue Dec 02 00:08:44 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I am sorry. I need the developers key, because here at OLE Nepal we
>>>> need to
>>>>> put in our own customized image. It would better if you could simply
>>>> do it
>>>>> for the whole bunch at once. I will attach the LAPTOP.DAT file
>>>> again. Just
>>>>> so there is no confusion, I will send a CC of this email to
>>>>> On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 5:53 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu Nov 27 01:32:24 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> Could you activate the following XO's  for OLE Nepal. We need
>>>> them as
>>>>>> soon
>>>>>>> as possible, because the laptops need to be distributed.
>>>>>> Dear Avash,
>>>>>> Sorry you emailed during the 4-day US Thanksgiving long weekend, so
>>>>>> quickly now:
>>>>>> 1) Is there some reason you need Activation keys instead of Developer
>>>>>> keys?  If so please fully clarify your reason.
>>>>>> 2) In general you should apply for your own Developer Keys, by:
>>>>>> A) pointing the "Browse" activity's Address Bar to:
>>>>>>  file:///home/.devkey.html
>>>>>>  Once you submit the form you will need to wait 24 hours to get your
>>>>>>  key. After waiting 24 hours, return to the form to get your
>>>>>>  Developer Key.
>>>>>> or,
>>>>>> B) Submit the Serial# and UUID of each laptop (from LAPTOPS.DAT) here:
>>>>>>  https://activation.laptop.org/devkey/post/
>>>>>>  Similarly you (like everyone else!) will need to wait 24hrs here.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Adam Holt
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> OLPC Support, Volunteer-Driven (http://support.laptop.org)
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