That depends.  I suppose we might be able to support some services,
like backup, in interesting ways in non-school situations. I think the
more appropriate course of action is to pursue the idea of the
"collaboration server" as a unique device in the neighborhood.  In
truth, the "register" option should be an action on that server
device, and not part of the Home menu.  That was a short term hack
which, like many we've made, has stuck due to lack of resources.  With
my suggested change, no one would see the registration option unless
they could make use of it.

I'm CC'ing Martin, who recently emailed me on this subject (sorry for
not getting back to you yet Martin).  We need to iron out the plan for
representing the server and exposing the available services.  Here's a
ticket which mentions this, though oddly it's closed, which might be
why this has never been "done right":

- Eben

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Aleksey Lim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm going to add patch to remove "Register" button from sugar packages for
> altlinux.  Is there any reason to have it on non-XO machine ?
> /Aleksey
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