This is really a question for Collabora :) Ccing them...

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 2:49 PM, Martin Langhoff
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Just fyi, I submitted a gadget fedora package for review. It's going
>> to require ejabberd 2.0.2.
> When you have a bit of time, I am still keen on understanding how does
> Gadget fit in the wider picture.
> With the "OMG! ejabberd's memory and roster mgmt are Out Of Control"
> thing mostly behind us, I want to have a clear picture of why and how
> Gadget fits into the picture. And at what (cpu, memory) cost,
> specially for the 3K users scenarios we're looking at.
> In other words, we are finding that ejabberd is very amenable to
> having its behaviour changed in interesting ways with
>  - minimalistic Erlang plugins
>  - poking at its internal mnesia DB via the xml-rpc plugin
>  - using an external DB instead of Mnesia, and having external
> programs manipulate the DB
> all of these things keep us on using standard XMPP (so our client and
> server are more generic, and interchangeable) and from a scalability
> POV avoid adding additional processes (except for the DB).
> OTOH, I'm not against Gadget. It's just that it's a big unknown to me
> at a stage where -- without that much effort -- we seem to be getting
> ejabberd under control and playing nice.
> cheers,
> m
> --
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions - don't get distracted with shiny stuff
> - working code first
>  -
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