Wade Brainerd wrote:
> Hey Chris, thanks for the feedback!  It's great to hear from people 
> using Colors! on XO.

You're welcome, Wade.

I tried to get an image of my finished drawing
from the Journal but the only option was to
resume Colors!.  Then when it resumed it seemed
to hang.  I then clicked on Play and dragged
the slider to 100 and the image finally appeared.

Trying to reproduce the problem, I noticed that
if I move the stylus pointer while the program
was resuming, it looked like progress started to
be made or at least updates to the display.

When I tried Play in with my current drawing
made via wacom tablet, the animation never
did complete.  I don't know if the problem
was me not waiting long enough or what....

How can one get an image of the drawing for

> Yep, 60 works well enough though that it's probably not worth a 
> configuration option.  I will still work on optimizing the painting 
> performance though.

I don't know if all wacom tablets have the same linear
resolution.  Ideally, the value for "Suppress" would be
calculated from the native tablet resolution and the
drawing area pixel dimensions.  e.g. a tablet with only
1000lpi resolution might work better with a value of 25.

>     I tried the earlier photo snap and it was awkward to toggle
>     the underlying photo image.  It would be more helpful if the
>     photo could be drawn over as if on tracing paper.  The toggle
>     on/off would still be useful at different levels of refinement
>     of the painting.
> That's a good idea.  When I reimplement Photo Snap, I'll do it that way 
> (so you are painting over it, e.g. the white background will show the 
> image when it's enabled).

Maybe whiten the image slightly as if looking through
paper and make it easier to have it be a visual guide
independent of the drawing itself?

>     There appeared to be a problem with the Zoom in and
>     out function as zooming all the way out, and then back in
>     results in the canvas offset by various amounts.  I was not
>     able to make it shift back without restarting the Activity.
> This should be documented better, or maybe have some visual feedback.  
> Zoom in & out keep the mouse cursor on the same point in the canvas 
> before and after the zoom operation.

You might keep track of the zoom center for each
level and then just pop the stack.  The problem
I had would not have occurred if the zoom in and
zoom out operations were inverses.

The 'Center image' toolbar button is great, too.

> Maybe one of the Wacom buttons could be assigned to the Frame key 
> event?  Can this be done in xorg-dcon.conf?

I think the buttons look like mouse-ish events.  At any
rate they can be detected and acted upon.

>     I've got an old serial Intuos that I'll try to get configured
>     this weekend.  I'll let you know how it goes...  If we get
>     this working, maybe Amazon could add a "People who bought this
>     item [the XO], also bought this [Wacom Bamboo]"...  :-)
> Great!  Thanks again for the feedback, I'll try to release a new version 
> before long with these suggestions.

Looking forward to it.

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